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How to deal with emergency situations by elevator

[ Views:4612 ] [ Time:2015-10-7 ]

      The elevator is a kind of complex mechanical and electrical equipment, in the frequent use of the process of occasional temporary failure is inevitable. Such as the use of the elevator encountered such a situation, can be described as follows.
       1. the passenger into the car, the elevator car door, door closed, the elevator does not start running. Encountered this situation, it is likely that the door of the door to contact the poor contact caused by the control panel can be the first to open the door button to open the door, and then press the door button to allow the elevator to close, see if the elevator is to lift the failure to continue to run. Can be repeated one or two times, you can also use hand to push to help close the door. If it is not good, you have to open the door to open the door. By pressing the alarm or call to inform the elevator management department, repair by professionals.
       2. the elevator is running after the elevator does not open the door, passengers were trapped in the elevator car. In this case, passengers must be calm, because the elevator is a mature technology, safe transportation equipment, "stop ladder" is a safe and protective measures for the elevator to run a fault. At this time the most safe, the most effective way is to save by means of a control panel on the alarm button or phone to inform the elevator manager, by the elevator professional rescue, but also to request 110 rescue.
Passengers forced to open the door or from the top of the car to rescue the safety window. Because climbing out of the car is not equal to the rescue, the majority of passengers on the elevator shaft and the structure is not familiar with the elevator, the blind can cause more dangerous.
       3. after the passengers into the car, the elevator door is not off the elevator will start running, and faster and faster. In such a situation, passengers should not panic, not be able to rush to escape the car. The correct approach is that all passengers are as far as possible from the car door, do knee action. Because the car more than rated speed or reach the end stations will emergency stop, do knee action can reduce the body of "emergency stop" does not adapt.

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